Anchoring our work in wisdom, practice, and community

What We Do


Through program design, event curation, and coaching, Tiratana is dedicated to supporting organizations that seek to align their wisdom and practice with the needs of our communities.

Strengthen Roots

We believe that our growth is only as strong as our roots. Whose shoulders are you standing on? What ideas drive your vision and how do we know they are effective? How can we increase your impact by defining and strengthening your foundation?

We help you craft this story in a way that allows your stakeholders to walk alongside with you and participate in your success.

Build Intentional Practice

How is the actual application or use of your ideas, beliefs, or methods, coming to life? Are you effectively moving beyond theory to embody praxis? How are you engaging best practices, guidelines, and strategies that will sustain long-term impact?

We invest in understanding your everyday practice and how it aligns with your vision in order to support you in reaching your goals.

Connect with community

How are you accountable in your community? How is the work you are doing relevant to your community? How do you engage in community based practices that are true to your roots?

We are dedicated to supporting inclusive practices that invite community members in to navigate with you.

Dr. Susie Lundy

Susie is a creative strategist, visionary, and writer with a passion for storytelling, community based arts, social justice, and international arts projects. Her experience as a non-profit leader has brought her into expansive thought partnerships with artists, educators, and advocates seeding equity based practices  all over the world. With a strong Social Justice Youth Development practice, she brings a multidisciplinary lens to facilitating conversations for growth and alignment. Susie stands at the intersection of decades of work as an educator, writer, artist, dharma student, and community collaborator. She strives to integrate compassion, balance, and health into her work with others. Susie seeks opportunities to work with individuals and teams wanting to broaden their perspectives and methods, align their program frameworks to their philosophical beliefs, consider new approaches to programming, and improve their internal and external communications.

“Wisdom is better than silver and gold.”
Lauryn Hill
"Lost Ones"
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